csc104 slog2

For tests and quizzes, I mostly rely on doing exercises that were posted on the course website. I also did past exams as another alternative. These two things helped me a lot to prepare me for my quizzes and exams. The components inside are similar to the actual coming exams so I had the opportunity to situate myself better. What I meant when I say this is that for example, the duration of the past exams and the exam I had for this course this semester were the same. So, while doing past exams I was able to get an idea of how the real exams be and I got the chance to manage my time better.

One of the lessons that I enjoyed was that time when we were asked to create triangles from Dr.Racket. As the code becomes more complicated, the triangle also gets more and more I enjoyed how this was a simple thing that can be expanded to become more complicated. In addition, I initially struggled a lot with writing and figuring out which function to use. I overcame this problem by getting over errors and remembering the different types of wrongdoings that I did. Learning from this experiences, I got to improve my struggle of writing functions. Although, I would not say that I completely succeed in beating this struggle yet, as I think that it is a continuous process of improvement. Hopefully I will get better in the future.

Also for me personally, I enjoyed asking questions through Piazza the most. I guess in part it is also because I do not have complicated questions to ask, so I can get answers by asking online through Piazza. What I am struggling with right now is going to the office hours. I have not find the right time to go yet, but I am hoping that I can manage my time better and get a chance to go soon.

