csc104 slog1

I took csc104 this semester because I want to learn basic programming skills and I also want to take csc108 next semester. I hope this course can help me build the fundamentals necessary for my next computer science courses. In my opinion, programming is a really magical thing to do because before I could not imagine writing an app with just coding in a generator using different computer languages. Through this course, I get to learn about it, which I found was fascinating. Overall, my experience currently is not that bad and I look forward to future classes.

For now, I find it interesting that there are a lot of different codings that you can do to a picture. For example, the idea of using pictures to make "tower". What happens, in this case, is that a single picture is able to create the notion of a pyramid. The bases get smaller as it rises up. One thing I am experiencing as a difficulty is the elongated code. When it is too long, it is harder to understand the step. But I am still able to overcome this, so there are no big problems. Thus for now, the course still seems moderate in terms of difficulty. I get challenged but I can also still find answers for it.

The way I studied for the quizzes is by doing exercises in Dr. Racket. So far, I am satisfied with my performance. But I will not slack off and continue with the way I am studying now so that I can maintain my performance. Hopefully as the course progress, I can improve and also learn more about writing functions instead of dealing with images. I am interested in it and I hope that I can learn about it somewhere along the course.

